Reach these self employed business owners where you’ll get their undivided attention – at home! Self employed business owners are busy making daily decisions to keep their business running profitably and smoothly, and don’t have time to devote to services and products that arrive in their office mail box. They are in constant need of all types of business products and services, as well as personal items and services, but in order to get them to respond, the best place is to reach them at home. They are great prospects for business publications, business educational seminars, office products, catalogs, travel getaways, and much more!
Recommended Usage:
Apparel catalogs, Insurance, Electronics, Computer Software, Music, Book offers, Credit Card Rewards, Outdoor and Recreational, Travel, Fundraising to health, humanitarian, political, children, religious, and environmental concerns, Sports, Finance and Investment, Health and Nutrition, Opportunity offers, Children’s catalogs and products, Do-It-Yourself offers, Automobile information, Ethnicity offers, Food offers, Golf offers.