Blue Collar, hard working, Americans make up a huge segment of the American workforce. They are the workers known as the basic backbone of our country and will work more than 40 hours a week to make overtime pay. They are fathers and mothers, they are single people working their way through college, they are parents of children in college, they are grandmothers and grandfathers. They are busy and when they need to purchase items, direct mail is perfect for them to save time and money.
Recommended Usage:
Apparel catalogs, Insurance, Electronics, Computer Software, Music, Book offers, Credit Card Rewards, Outdoor and Recreational, Travel, Fundraising to health, humanitarian, political, children, religious, and environmental concerns, Sports, Finance and Investment, Health and Nutrition, Opportunity offers, Children’s catalogs and products, Do-It-Yourself offers, Automobile information, Ethnicity offers, Food offers, Golf offers.
Sample Mail Piece Required. Payment due 30 days from mail date. Cancellations after merge or first mail date are due in full. Payment terms apply to first mail date in range. Net name arrangements negotiable based on volume. 20% commission on orders with net terms, pricing discounts, and on re-uses.