Although most baby boomers aren't quite ready for retirement, they're still finding the time and money to travel to both U.S. and foreign destinations. They are paid members of an online eZine that gives them travel ideas, deals, and destination information that helps them plan their upcoming trips. Whether they're taking their kids to theme parks in Orlando, setting sail on a cruise ship, or driving cross country in their RV, these travelers enjoy getting away from home on a regular basis and are prime prospects for travel offers and publications. Demographics: Average HHI is $80K, 85% work full time, and 52% have children at home.
Recommended Usage: Domestic and International Travel offers, Apparel Catalogs, Accessory Catalogs, Timeshares, Luxury Vacation Rentals, Real Estate, Insurance, Investments, Golf Equipment, Golf Apparel, Golf Vacations, Magazine Subscriptions, Health Offers, Exercise Equipment, Electronics, Music, Credit Card Rewards, Fundraising to Health, Political, Humanitarian, Children, Animal and Environmental causes, Sports, Financial Seminars, Hobbies, Home Décor, Food and Cuisine, Outdoor and Recreational.