S.W.A.N.K.s (Single Women Affluent No Kids) have enormous spending power and expendable income to travel whenever and wherever they wish. These successful affluent women travel extensively for work as well as take vacations to resorts, spas, golf resorts, cruises and various foreign destinations. Not only are they perfect prospects for credit card rewards clubs, these upscale females are ideal for all your high-end, high ticket vacation packages as well as upscale apparel catalogs, resort, spa, golf vacation packages, cruises, domestic and foreign travel offers.
Recommended Usage: Catalog, Apparel, Luggage, Domestic & International Travel, Vacations, Insurance, Golf Resorts, Subscriptions, Electronics, Music, Magazines, Books, Time Shares, Resorts, Credit Card Rewards, Cruise, Fundraising to Health, Political, Humanitarian, Children and Environmental Causes, Children’s offers, Sports, Financial & Investment, Hobbies, Home Décor, Food & Cuisine, Outdoor & Recreational offers.