Although most baby boomers are a long way from retirement they are actively planning for their future. Many of them are relying on investments in order to build their retirement funds and also help pay for their children's college. These savvy investors are paid members of an online community where they get investment advice and information on a variety of investment options including real estate, the stock market, 401K's, IRA's and 529 plans to name a few. They're perfect prospects for investment offers as well as publications to help further their investment knowledge. Demographics: Average HHI is $80K, 85% work full time, and 52% have children at home.
Recommended Usage: Investment Offers, Publications Geared Towards Financial Investing, Apparel Catalogs, Accessory Catalogs, Domestic and International Travel offers, Timeshares, Luxury Vacation Rentals, Real Estate, Insurance, Golf Equipment, Golf Apparel, Golf Vacations, Magazine Subscriptions, Health Offers, Exercise Equipment, Electronics, Music, Credit Card Rewards, Fundraising to Health, Political, Humanitarian, Children, Animal and Environmental causes, Sports, Financial Seminars, Hobbies, Home Décor, Food and Cuisine, Outdoor and Recreational.