S.W.A.N.K.S (Single Women, Affluent, No Kids) is an enormous audience in our country. These affluent, career-minded females, have the financial means to spend on all their favorite indulgences. These are busy women who appreciate receiving catalogs in their mailboxes for their gift buying. They don’t have the time to run from store to store, so catalogs of all kinds are perfect for them to flip through at their convenience, and make their purchases without leaving their office or in the comfort of their own homes. Turn these female, direct mail catalog buyers into your best online customers by steering them to your websites for future purchases.
Recommended Usage: Apparel Catalogs, Accessory Catalogs, Home Décor, Gardening/Outdoor items, Travel Offers, Health Products, Collectibles, Children’s Apparel Catalogs, Children’s Decorating items, Book Clubs, Music Clubs, Electronics, Recreational Products, Gourmet Food Catalogs, Beauty Catalogs. Exercise Equipment and Accessories.
Sample Mail Piece Required. Payment due 30 days from mail date. Cancellations after merge or first mail date are due in full. Payment terms apply to first mail date in range. Net name arrangements negotiable based on volume. 20% commission on orders with net terms, pricing discounts, and on re-uses.