Key Segments
578,365 |
Total Racing Enthusiasts |
$95/M |
98,000 |
Quarterly HL (average) |
+$5/M |
Audience Profile
Stock car racing is one of the most unique and fastest growing marketplaces in the United States. Over 13 million fans have attended live events and races in the last five years, and the "hardcore" universe is estimated between 20-30 million! Their buying power seems unlimited, and with weekly national network coverage, the fan base will only continue to increase. These enthusiasts are also perfect direct response candidates, but until recently, it's been a fan base difficult and elusive to identify and reach effectively.
Terms and Conditions
25% Commission to Brokers!
Sample Mail Piece Required. Payment due 30 days from mail date. Cancellations after merge or first mail date are due in full. Payment terms apply to first mail date in range. Net name arrangements negotiable based on volume. 20% commission on orders with net terms, pricing discounts, and on re-uses.
List Usage
Also consider the following lists
Direct Mail
Unit of Sale:
Demographic Selections Available |
@ $5/M |
Gender |
Income |
Age |
Home Value |
Education |
Presence of Children |
Occupation |
State/SCF/Zip |
Lifestyle Selections Available |
@ $10/M |
Country Music |
Conservative Donors |
Collectors |
Hunting |
Fishing |
Camping |
Golf |
Technology |
Addressing |
Magnetic Tape |
$25/Flat |
P/S Labels |
$7.50/M |
Diskette |
$35/Flat |
email |
$35/Flat |
Cartridge |
$25/Flat |
Key Contact:
Order/Shipping Contact