September, 2024
American Consumer Vehicle Owner DB

MIN #: M77285 - SRDS #: 770912-000

Key Segments
98,425,687 Vehicle Owners $70/M
  30 Day Hotlines Available!  

Audience Profile
The American Consumer Lifestyles Database is an unprecedented source for detailed demographic and psychographic information on over 98 million vehicle owners nationwide. Because these names are updated on a monthly basis, the accuracy and deliverability of the names are at the highest levels possible. Target you customers more effectively and cost efficiently with this versatile database.

Terms and Conditions
25% Commission to SRDS Brokers!
Sample Mail Piece Required. Payment due 30 days from mail date. Cancellations after merge or first mail date are due in full. Payment terms apply to first mail date in range. Net name arrangements negotiable based on volume. 20% commission on orders with net terms, pricing discounts, and on re-uses.

List Usage

Integrity. Experience. Reliability. Response.
Ph: 727-669-2500 Fx: 727-475-5841
Compiled/Direct Response
Unit of Sale: N/A
Minimum: 5,000
Updates: Monthly

Vehicle Selections
Purchased in Model Year $5/M
Number of Vehicles $5/M
Truck Owner $25/M
Recreational Vehicle $25/M
Motorcycle Owner $25/M
Make/Model/Year $30/M
Demographic Selections


Age $5/M
Household Income


Presence of Children $5/M
Homeowners $5/M
Credit Card Users $5/M
Length of Residence $5/M
Telephone Numbers $15/M
Exact Date of Birth $15/M
Other Selections Available
State/SCF/Zip $5/M
Zip +4 $5/M
Radius $5/M
Bar Coding $5/M
Carrier Route Coding $5/M
Key Coding $3/M
P/S Labels $7.50/M
Mag Tape/Cartridge $25/Flat
Diskette                                          $35/Flat
e-mail $35/Flat

Key Contact:
Sherri Stevens
Phone: 727-669-2500 x 201
Fax: 727-475-5841

Order/Shipping Contact
Sherri Stevens
Phone: 727-669-2500 x 201
Fax: 727-475-5841