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October, 2004
HUD Mortgage Tracers Database

MIN # M48513 / SRDS # 255656 / NEXTMARK # 86959

Key Segments


Monthly Opportunity Buyers


31,687 3 Month Opportunity Buyers +$5/M
60,429 6 Month Opportunity Buyers +$5/M
296,332 Total Opportunity Buyers $90/M



Audience Profile
These entrepreneurs have fulfilled their dream of becoming self-employed and increasing their income by purchasing a program that instructs them how to locate individuals who are eligible to receive HUD/FHA mortgage insurance refunds. The space ads these business minded entrepreneurs have responded to were seen in national newspapers and entrepreneurial magazines that they purchased. These self-employed, opportunity seekers have worked hard to increase their revenue stream, and can now respond to other direct mail offers.

Recommended Usage: Business supply catalogs, business publications, credit card rewards, travel offers – international and domestic, apparel catalogs, furniture, insurance, golf getaways, electronics, music and book continuity clubs, fundraising appeals relating to health, political, humanitarian, children, and environmental concerns, hobbies, finance and investment, food catalogs, outdoor and recreational offers, magazine subscriptions.

Terms and Conditions
20% Commission to SRDS Brokers!
Sample Mail Piece Required. Payment due 30 days from mail date. Cancellations after merge or first mail date are due in full. Payment terms apply to first mail date in range. Net name arrangements negotiable based on volume. 20% commission on orders with net terms, pricing discounts, and on re-uses.

List Usage

Direct Mail / Space Ads
Unit of Sale: $44.95
Minimum: 5,000
Updates: Monthly




Age- Adult


Age - Child $10/M



Credit Card


SCF/State/Zip $5/M
Ethnicity $5/M
Donor $5/M
Religion $5/M
Homeowner $5/M
Renter $5/M
Marital Status - Married $5/M

Marital Status - Single


Telephones @ $15/M



P/S Labels


Magnetic Tape








Key Contact:
Sherri Stevens
Phone: 727-669-2500 x 201
Fax: 727-475-5841

Order/Shipping Contact
Sherri Stevens
Phone: 727-669-2500 x 201
Fax: 727-475-5841

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