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Aggressive Independent Contributors

MIN # 132684 / SRDS # 887825 / NEXTMARK # 219882

Key Segments


3 Month Independent Donors



6 Month Independent Donors



Total Independent Donors



Audience Profile
These independent voters are prime prospects for both the Democrat and Republican parties. Because these independent voters can be swayed by each individual cause and NOT by political affiliation, they are very valuable voters to the Democratic and Republican political agendas. Whether you’re looking to reach political donors for your Democratic causes, political contributors to your Republican campaigns, or supporters for your general political appeals, these active donors are the perfect audience.

Recommended Usage: Fundraising Appeals to Democratic/Liberal Political Offers, Republican/Conservative Offers, Children’s Welfare, Religious Causes, Human Rights, Animal Welfare, Humanitarian Appeals, Environmental, Health Fundraising Appeals, Subscriptions, Books & Continuity Clubs, Family-oriented Offers, and Public TV Fundraisers

Terms and Conditions
25% Commission to SRDS Brokers!
Sample Mail Piece Required. Payment due 30 days from mail date. Cancellations after merge or first mail date are due in full. Payment terms apply to first mail date in range. Net name arrangements negotiable based on volume. 20% commission on orders with net terms, pricing discounts, and on re-uses.

List Usage

Public Records, Newsletter Subscribers, Website Registrations
Unit of Sale: Average Donation: $25 - $250
Minimum: 5,000
Updates: Quarterly

Donor Type
Health $10/M
Environmental $10/M
Humanitarian $10/M
Child's Welfare $10/M
Income $5/M
Credit Card $5/M
Ethnicity $5/M
Age $5/M
Gender $5/M
Donation Amount $5/M
State/SCF/Zip $5/M

Telephones @ $15/M



P/S Labels


Magnetic Tape










Key Contact:
Kendra Roberts
Phone: 727-669-2500
Fax: 727-475-5841

Order/Shipping Contact
Sherri Stevens
Phone: 727-669-2500 x 201
Fax: 727-475-5841

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