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Hispanic Lifestyle DB - Contributors

MIN # M105921 / SRDS # 850565 / NEXTMARK # 142553

Key Segments


Environmental Donors



Religious Donors



Political Donors



Health Donors



General Donors



Spanish Speaking Donors



30 Day HL's Available



Audience Profile
Hispanics are the fastest growing ethnicity in our country and accordingly the number of Hispanic donors is also rapidly growing. These donors will respond to your fundraising offers for causes that they believe in and that they feel are in their best interests. These Hispanic donors are open and receptive to your mailers' charitable appeals.

Recommended Usage: Fundraising Appeals for cancer research, AIDS research, wellness, diabetes and other health related issues, Democratic/Liberal Political Offers, Republican/Conservative Political Offers, African-American Causes, Children’s Welfare, Religious Causes, Human Rights, Animal Welfare, Humanitarian Appeals, Environmental, Subscriptions, Books & Continuity Clubs, Ethnic-related Offers, Family-oriented Offers, and Public TV Fundraisers

Terms and Conditions
25% Commission to SRDS Brokers!
Sample Mail Piece Required. Payment due 30 days from mail date. Cancellations after merge or first mail date are due in full. Payment terms apply to first mail date in range. Net name arrangements negotiable based on volume. 20% commission on orders with net terms, pricing discounts, and on re-uses.

List Usage

Self-reported information from direct response surveys
Unit of Sale: N/A
Minimum: 5,000
Updates: Monthly


Age +$5/M
Children Present +$5/M
Religion +$5/M
Gender +$5/M
Income +$5/M
Homeowner +$5/M
Mail Order Buyers +$5/M
Marital Status +$5/M
Credit Cards +$5/M
Donation Amount $5/M
State/SCF/Zip +$5/M
Telephones +$15/M
Magnetic Tape $25/flat
Cartridge $25/flat
Diskette $35/flat
Email $35/flat

Key Contact:
Kendra Roberts
Phone: 727-669-2500
Fax: 727-475-5841

Order/Shipping Contact
Sherri Stevens
Phone: 727-669-2500 x 201
Fax: 727-475-5841

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