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October, 2004
American Business Database

MIN # M77290 / SRDS # 774383-000 / NEXTMARK #84791

Key Segments


Over 12 Million Business Establishments



Over 8 Million Top Executives and Key Contacts



(Pricing Based on Volume)

Audience Profile
Reach over 12 million businesses and 8 million key executives throughout the country. These key business executives in all types of companies have been confirmed and telephone verified to be at their business address. The business professionals in this database are constantly in need of all types of business products and offers. They are interested in receiving office supply offers, fundraising appeals, corporate seminars, insurance offers, as well as catalogs, travel, golf resort offers, and magazine subscription offers.

Recommended Usage: Travel offers, Office and Business Supplies, Seminars, Insurance, Corporate Apparel Catalogs, Food Catalogs, Accessory Catalogs, Gift Catalogs, Credit Cards, Magazines, Newsletters, Investment Offers, Reward Programs, Golf and Resort Getaways, Subscriptions and Fundraiser appeals: Political, Health, Environmental, Humanitarian.

Terms and Conditions
20% Commission to SRDS Brokers!
Sample Mail Piece Required. Payment due 30 days from mail date. Cancellations after merge or first mail date are due in full. Payment terms apply to first mail date in range. Net name arrangements negotiable based on volume. 20% commission on orders with net terms, pricing discounts, and on re-uses.

List Usage

Yellow Pages, Business White Pages, Annual Reports, 10Ks and other SEC Information, Local & Federal Government Data, Business Newspapers, Postal Service Information
Unit of Sale: N/A
Minimum: $400
Updates: Monthly


Under 5,000 $525/F
5,000-10,000 $115/M
10,000-25,000 $105/M
25,000-50,000 $95/M
50,000-100,000 $85/M
100,000-500,000 $75/M
500,000-1 Million $65/M
Over 1 Million $55/M
(prices reflect base price, selects are additional)  
State/SCF/Zip $5/M
Key Code $5/M
SIC Codes $5/M
Title Addressing $10/M
Employee Size $15/M
Sales Volume $15/M
Contact Name $20/M
Email Addresses (15,000 name min) $30/M
Mag Tape/Cartridge $25/Flat
e-mail $35/Flat
CD $35/Flat
P/S Labels $7.50/M
Blast Fee (email names) $50/Flat 

Key Contact:
Sherri Stevens
Phone: 727-669-2500 x 201
Fax: 727-475-5841

Order/Shipping Contact
Sherri Stevens
Phone: 727-669-2500 x 201
Fax: 727-475-5841

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